Thursday, April 8, 2010

Signs of Nature

Signs of Nature

April showers—with their promise of May flowers—and the lengthening days gladden our hearts this month as we plant our gardens.

Look to the signs of nature for planting tips! The method is called phenology, derived from the Greek word “phaino,” which means “to show” or “to appear.”

• Plant peas, beets, and lettuce when the first leaves appear on the lilac bush.
• Plant corn, beans, and squash when the lilac blooms.
• Plant cabbage when the dogwood is in full bloom or when apple blossoms bud.
• Plant corn when oak leaves are the size of a mouse’s ear or elm leaves are the size of a squirrel’s ear.
• Set out tomato transplants when the first ladybugs appear.

Courtesy of the Old Farmer's Almanac

I guess I better get a move on. The first leaves are out on the lilac bush.
Which means I need to plant the peas, beets and lettuce. Also radishes,
carrots and spinach.
My blueberry bushes arrived yesterday from the nursery (yippee!) and they
need to be put in the ground.
I am starting to feel overwhelmed already.
I see the tulips and day lilies are starting to poke through the earth.
Oh my goodness!
What's next?

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